Beautiful soft ebony coat and sparkling eyes, Aria is more than a pretty cat. She is an amazing cat! There’s no one like Aria. She’s her own wonderful self.
Aria is full of the joy of life. She loves to explore and play and romp around and cuddle up close to her people. She’s a couple years old and it shows. She’s a cat so of course she sleeps a lot, but when she’s awake she shows how much happiness life brings her. And that happiness is contagious. Aria can make you feel like everything is going to be just fine and this is another day to take pleasure in all the wonderful things that life has to offer.
Aria seems happy about just being alive. But there are a few things that she does not like. At all. And that is other cats and dogs. Nope. Aria must be the only critter in the house (maybe a fish would be okay).
She loveslovesloves going outside. She’s young, bright, intelligent and of course the natural world is filled with treasures for the senses that delight her. She loves it so much. She must have a good place to go outside. But Aria is not at all inclined to run off. She knows about home and sticks close by.
If you are looking for a cat to be the one and only non-human critter in your home and one who will give you all the love and joy you could hope for in a companion, please consider adopting this most wonderful girl, Aria.
In Homer but she wouldn’t mind taking a ride to be part of a loving family. Call 907 980-8898